i2k AI Process and Portal

i2k maximizes AI technology and natural language processing to drill into a company's rich sources of knowledge.
From the beginning of implementation, the i2k platform delivers a robust AI experience.

Give i2k Connect a pile of documents and the i2k Platform immediately goes to work applying built-in knowledge related to your working domain. As that happens, the i2k Connect team guides your team through the transformation from manual searches for information to reaching personalized search results that reframe pieces of disparate data into intelligent, recognizable content sets.

i2k AI Dashboard
i2k AI portal

Once launched, the i2k AI portal includes an optional four-panel dashboard that provides overview data for the collection of records returned by a user’s search:

  • a timeline of documents and their chronological frequency
  • a concept tag cloud based on important words or phrases
  • an interactive map of geopolitical locations identified in the content
  • a social network graph of collaboration among authors and institutions.
i2k File Overview
File overview

The overview for each file shows

  • a thumbnail image
  • basic metadata such as source and date
  • additional automatically determined descriptive tags such as title, summary, concept tags, and classifications into taxonomic classes of interest.

All tags make user review quicker and easier, saving significant time in research, as much as 90% less time spent finding and analyzing data.

i2k Classifications

In the out-of-the-box software, you can select from a hierarchical list of about 6,000 classes arranged in 17 taxonomies. Each of the taxonomies indicates a broad category, perspective, or “view” that is available to refine a search. The i2k Platform can also classify according to customer-supplied taxonomies.

i2k Concept Tags
Concept tags

Documents are automatically tagged with unique, accurate, and consistent metadata using AI technology, informed by industry knowledge.

  • Structured

    Information that is organized in a standard format and easy to define and search. It can be arranged by columns and rows, in a database. About 20% of an organization’s data is usually structured.

  • Unstructured

    Any type of file that does not have a predefined structure or format and can be part of a data lake. It cannot be represented in columns, rows, or databases. Examples include PDF, PowerPoint, Word, images, and social media data. About 80% of an organization’s data is unstructured.

  • Graphical

    Can include images or video data.

  • Text Miner

    Extracts the text and text structure from a file.

  • Headliner

    Identifies the title of a file, distinct from its name.

  • Summarizer

    Delivers a summary of the content of a file.

  • Classifier

    Categorizes a file into relevant taxonomies.

  • Identifier

    Tags concepts, places, companies, and other entities mentioned in files.

  • Table Miner

    Detects and interprets tables in PDF files.

  • SQL Miner

    Extracts and summarizes data points from SQL databases.

  • Data Miner

    Extracts and summarizes data points from unstructured files.

  • Analyzer

    Summarizes metadata distributions and trends for sets of files, including near duplicates.

  • Portal

    Offers integrated search, browsing, analysis, and visualization.

  • Newsflash

    Delivers alerts when updates essential to your work are published.

  • Query

    Conveys intelligent answers to user questions.

  • Integrator

    Delivers enriched metadata to your existing information management systems.

  • Web API

    An application programming interface for the Web